By David Gardner
Uneasy Lies the Head was the perhaps inevitable title of the autobiography of the late King Hussein of Jordan, the West’s favourite benign Arab despot. He was the improbable survivor of innumerable plots, coups and uprisings, of three Arab-Israeli wars, two Gulf wars and a civil war with the Palestinians, as well as around a dozen assassination attempts in the 46 years he wore the heavy crown of his improbable desert kingdom.
The Hashemite monarch, descended from the family of the Prophet Mohammed and the Sharifs of Mecca, exuded total confidence in his legitimacy. Yet, this most open of Arab autocrats, this elegant and charming authoritarian, relied on the military and the Mukhabarat, his ubiquitous secret police, to stay in power, no less than in any other Arab state. To underline this truth is not necessarily to disparage King Hussein’s often liberal instincts. What it reveals is that even a leader willing to experiment with change, a regal populist who could utter the word “democracy” with a more or less straight face, a monarch who was once prepared to share (a bit of his) power with Islamists, was in the end no different from his peers.
mandag 27. juli 2009
mandag 13. juli 2009
The Gallup Coexist Index: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations
The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations offers insight into the state of relations between people of different religions around the world. Created in partnership with the Coexist Foundation, it marks Gallup's first report of public perceptions concerning people of different faiths. In addition, the report provides an in-depth analysis of attitudes regarding integration among Muslims and the general public in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
torsdag 9. juli 2009
Copyright og frihet
Er copyright noe som øker eller minsker friheten vår? Christian Engström, Piratpartiets nyvalgte representant i Europaparlamentet, skriver i en kronikk i Financial Times at copyright ødelegger retten til fri kommunikasjon.
velferd og verdiskapning
onsdag 8. juli 2009
Økende støtte for grønn borgerlønn i USA!
I gårsdagens Financial Times skriver Michael Levine og Mark Roe (jusprofessorer ved henholdsvis New York University og Harvard University) at Barack Obama kan få politisk støtte til å innføre karbonskatt gjennom et system som tilsvarer LibLab-forslaget om miljøborgerlønn.
Levine og Roe har en ny vri for å løse utfordringen fra grupper som har høyt bensinforbruk. De foreslår å gi dem - for eksempel lastebilsjåfører - en høyere miljøborgerlønn, f. eks. basert på historisk gjennomsnittsforbruk for gruppen. Så lenge satsen på miljøborgerlønnen ikke avhenger av individuelle valg, vil incentiveffektene være de samme. (Men omfordelingsvirkningen er selvsagt annerledes.)
Dette har vi skrevet om i flere tidligere blogginnlegg. Sakte, men sikkert vil folk få øynene opp for denne ideen.
liberal miljøpolitikk,
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